Vehicular and Informational Traffic Signs

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They are a set of road safety elements that are used to inform, warn or regulate traffic. In the case of vertical signage, these are indications that are placed on public roads, highways, streets and circulation routes so that users can take the necessary precautions and avoid accidents. As for traffic control elements, these are devices that help in a more specific way and with the use of technology to have more intervention on the flow of vehicles, notifications and prohibitions.

Its main functions are:

  • Ensure road safety
  • Inform, warn and regulate traffic
  • Prevent accidents
  • Reduce damage in the event of accidents
  • Protect road users.

Vehicular traffic signs are those static elements, usually placed on poles and/or rails, with universal symbols (with some modifications according to the standard used in the country) that fulfill the function of regulating and warning road users, whether drivers, pedestrians or cyclists.

It is important that they are properly placed, visible and easy to understand, as well as that they are kept in good condition and replaced when necessary.

They are classified into three main types:

  • Warning signs: These indicate the presence of a hazard, such as a sharp curve, crosswalk, or railroad crossing.
  • Regulatory signs: These regulate traffic, such as speed signs, prohibition signs, or mandatory signs.
  • Information signs: provide information to road users, such as direction signs, service signs, or distance signs.

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